Episode Four of the Safe Crypto Show Safe Crypto Show S01E04 NEWS SEGMENT -- “The Christmas crypto blues” We’ve had a rough ride the past two weeks with profit taking and consolidation bears dominating. A few days ago the market began to recover but yesterday was blindsided by news that the South Korean government is looking to crack down even more on trading, possibly allowing regulators to shut down exchanges. Given the massive investment into cryptocurrency by South Korean’s as well as the huge runup in prices the last couple of months, it seems inevitable that we will see more backlash from governments who are very worried that their own fiat currencies may come under threat in coming years if they do nothing to curb people’s enthusiasm. Links: https://www.rt.com/business/414452-bitcoin-slips-south-korea-shutdown/ https://news.bitcoin.com/31-of-south-korean-workers-are-cryptocurrency-investors/ ICO SEGMENT -- This weeks spotlight is on two ICO’s: Bee Token, & Beluga...