Safe Crypto Show - S01E46
Cryptocurrency news and weekly MAIDSAFE/SAFE Network update
The Safe Crypto Show alternative media locations:
It is Saturday, the 8th of December, 2018 … I apologize for the show being late and for missing the last two episodes -I've had a full plate lately ... Today, in this episode I'm flying solo ... and as you've noted from the title, this will be my final regular episode - more on that later. I'm breaking today's show into three parts. The first is basically the normal episode, the second contains an additional commentary on my perception of where crypto is going in the long long term, and the third is an explanation of why I'm moving on and what I'm moving on to ... so let's get straight into it!
- Global Market Cap Review via
- -- blockchain activity of most active crypto's
- some top headlines this week
- key stories this week
- discussion -- analysis
- The recent crypto crash.
- some top headlines this week
- Two future crypto predictions.
- One - the most stable, flexible, and powerful network will be the one that comes to dominate the crypto-space. To my mind that crypto and network will be Safecoin and the Safe Network ... here is why ...
- My first point about this is that Safe network 'farming' is the most democratic means of securing a network ever conceived ... anyone and everyone can contribute without special hardware or having to heat their home with their farming device. Safe Network farming also allows people to store their own data in the most secure manner possible ... all while giving the world a truly and absolutely anonymous (no-blockchain) form of fiscally limited hard money - Safecoin.
- and my second point, the power of the Safe Network will drive a majority of developers to adopt it - there isn't much of a point in supporting a platform that fewer people use which lacks in both flexibility and power. Just as MySpace gave way to Facebook, so too shall all other platforms yield ... ultimately ... to the Safe Network. It will not happen overnight, however, immediately after the Safe Network is launched the tide will begin turning. ... Any developer aiming for the long term with their project will recognize it's superior qualities for scaling, anonymity, security, & fundraising ... as well as it's immense flexibility ... of course not every developer is focused on the bigger picture ... or even in maintain their own projects long term - so long as other people support older crypto platforms, there will be reasons to develop for them - MySpace is still around after all ... in reality however, it's just a matter of time before MySpace and even Facebook fade into memory and are gone for good. The same will NOT be true for major crypto's like bitcoin as they will always have value as rare collectibles and as they are managed in a decentralized manner, they will probably continue to exist for a hundred or more years. That said, I fully expect that they will be nothing more than collectables at that point in time.
- My second prediction of the future is that there will be more and more 'tethered' crypto's - just as the crypto known as 'tether' pioneered the linkage between crypto and the US dollar, we will see crypto's linked to every global commodity that one would wish to reasonable trade ... this in turn shall allow crypto traders to diversify their holdings in a huge way and give them the ability to finally 'let-go' of fiat money. This dramatically changes everything. Humanity will finally be able to develop and grow without the parasitical banking and financial oligarchs clinging to our backs, dragging us down to Earth - in other words, humanity will finally be able to fly where our dreams will take us.
- My third prediction - Fully decentralized and open source exchanges on the Safe Network are what humanity needs and hence what will come to pass during the coming decade. This is crucial. For humanity to express it's creativity and grow as a species we must obtain the ability to trade without being extorted at every bend and turn - we must have genuine free trade. The extorters of the world will only increase their 'protection' rates over time bringing about a new dark age. In my opinion, building genuine free trade platforms is humanities best hope for happiness.
- To wrap my commentary up, I would like to express in no uncertain terms ... that privacy, security and anonymity are NOT disparate things - they are strongly connected things - in a word, they ARE freedom. A network that leaves one part of this equation out, also leaves out ultimate freedom. The Safe Network aims to give humanity the full equation - it aims to give humanity our freedom ... and with it, humanity ... will ... learn ... to fly. The road ahead will not be without bumps and problems, however with freedom, we shall overcome. To quote my favorite Latin motto: Ad Astra per Aspera - To the Stars through difficulties.
- Firstly - I created the show as a way to introduce people to the Safe Network - people who were interested in crypto but didn't yet know about the Safe Network. After a year of developing the show I really feel now that I'm not making too much of an impact in this regard. Also Maidsafe has been ramping up their marketing ... and one must never outshine the master! lol - not that I could - in fact I believe that Maidsafe are now, and will into the future, do a fantastic job of building awareness of the Safe Network. So my original motivation is gone the cost-benefit for me just isn't there.
- Secondly, I want a better world for myself and for my friends - this current world does not measure up to my needs, wants, and dreams - I also believe that I'm not alone in that view. However, sitting and waiting for a better world to come at the expense of the sweat, pain, and tears of others, is, to my mind, not only lazy, but foolhardy - I wouldn't feel like I deserve a better future if I didn't work for it in some way. To that ends, I'm seeking to build an online community and then ultimately, pushing even further ahead, a physical community of 'Singularists' - those hard-core futurists, like myself, who are seeking the singularity. A place where we can work together as we move forward into the future.
- To begin with ... and, while it won't happen all at once, a new daily show is in the works -- 5 days per week starting in the new year -- discussing ideas and new technology that may facilitate moving humanity forward into the singularity. -- I will also endeavor to talk about the Safe Network as often as possible on this new show - As the Safe Network, in my opinion, is a big part of the coming Singularity.
- A community site is being built: -- which will have information and resources on the community and will ultimately house a multi-author blog where the new show will be posted.
- Finally, I've created a discord server, which you may join RIGHT NOW to keep abreast of updates and to participate in the conversation! Invite link to the discord server is in the shownotes.
- Why am I stopping the regular show and moving along?
FIN -- Well, that about wraps it all up. . I’d like to thank all of the show's viewers for watching - it's been a really amazing year of up and then down! lol Honestly it's hard to believe that it's been a year already! - Here's hoping that this coming year will bring more up than down for all of us! I'd also like to thank my occasional co-host Jason and a huge thank you to my frequent co-host Mike.
Hopefully you found this episode, and the show in general, to be informative and helpful. Please do stay subscribed to catch future special episodes, that I will do, when Maidsafe reaches new important milestones with the Safe Network.
Until then, stay informed, keep hodling and above all, stay SAFE! May you each find something worthwhile to keep you interested and busy as we move forward ... into ... the singularity.
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